
Derived from cholesterol, testosterone is a steroid hormone or androgen present in both males and females that declines during adulthood. A leading endocrinologist recently stated that the therapeutic supplementation of testosterone for men 40+ with low levels of their own naturally produced supply is sensible, when administered sensibly. However, this doctor also cautioned that prescribing testosterone for men who possess average levels of the hormone holds unknown risks over an extended time period. This is the reason that it is very critical to have a hormone-measuring blood test performed to evaluate current levels prior to receiving a prescription for low testosterone treatment. Even beyond that, it is the reason that it is illegal for anyone in living in the United States to purchase or use injectable testosterone without possessing a doctor’s current prescription for treatment. With the current expansion of men who are questioning their physicians and other health care providers about treatment for hormonal deficiency, it is a wise move to become educated about what injectable testosterone replenishment is, who it is prescribed for, and why more adults are choosing to use it.
Low Testosterone Treatment
A medical prescription for low testosterone treatment is appropriately indicated when a man’s levels have been determined to fall below the low end of the average range, which is generally judged to be below 300 nanograms (ng) per deciliter (dl) of blood. Yet to ensure a proper diagnosis of Low T, low levels should also be accompanied by the presence of classic symptoms of sex hormone deficiency, such as soft erections, additional weight, and feelings of physical and mental lethargy. If a doctor decides to furnish the patient with a prescription program for Low T treatments, it is because there is sound medical evidence that supports the patient has clinically low levels of male hormone and will respond favorably to the benefits of testosterone therapy. The restoration of this significant hormone has been shown to provide substantial improvement in all reported symptoms and also provides patients with an impressive range of critically important wellness benefits.
What is Testosterone?
Hormones are chemicals that are produced by glands contained within the body that travel through the blood’s circulatory system to regulate the body’s various functions. When people ask for a definition of what is testosterone, what they are often actually looking for is information about what testosterone does. It has been estimated that by the time a person reaches the age of 65, he would have seen several million televised ads, and lately it seems as though many of those will have been for prescription testosterone treatments. Yet assuming that most adults understand that testosterone is the body’s primary masculine sex hormone, what exactly is its role in keeping people healthier, more physically active and more mentally agile? The physicians who know how to treat low testosterone levels in men and women have learned, through both the ongoing research and actual documented results that are maintained, that having a testosterone supply that is being restored and sustained within normal levels offers more than just the sexual advantages that many men are familiar with. It is a primary hormone that is needed by the body to help achieve longevity and avoid the occurrence of cardiopulmonary and other degenerative diseases. Without a sufficient quantity of this integral hormone, the body simply does not function as well as it does when quantities are copious.
Testosterone For Men
While prescription medical programs to treat insufficient testosterone for men have been used therapeutically among the general population for many decades, recently a definite acceleration in consumer awareness of the medical condition that is often referred to in advertisements as Low T has been observed. Geared primarily to the middle-aged and mature men who are most likely to be experiencing testosterone deficiency, the majority of these ads are for topically applied prescription creams, gels and patches. However, none of them can provide men with the same degree of success as the benefits of testosterone injections that have been specifically prescribed for the individual by a physician who is adept in developing effective hormone replenishment programs for adults. Injectable testosterone remains the treatment of choice for men who want to abolish the symptoms instigated by Low T by using a medically supervised program that consistently delivers superior results. It is also the preference of many patients to use a therapy that bypasses the liver and enters the body directly through the blood stream.
Testosterone for Women
Despite the existence of any biological rationale for assuming that estrogen should be the hormone used for replacement therapy among women, a research paper published in March of 2013 has called it one of multiple myths that surrounds the use of therapeutic testosterone for women. This paper actually refutes ten of the most common misconceptions about testosterone therapy for women and provides evidence that supports what it terms “scientifically evident and physiologically plausible.” The evidence that the document has put forward pertaining to testosterone and women concludes that:
- Testosterone is the most plentiful biologically active female hormone, and it is indispensible for sustaining physical and mental health in women.
- Testosterone is not a masculinizing hormone in women and does not cause hoarseness.
- Parenteral use (that is, being introduced into the body by means that do not involve the digestive system) of Testosterone is cardiac and breast protective, and it does not increase clotting factors or adversely affect the liver.
Putting to rest the outdated myths and misconceptions regarding testosterone treatments for women enables physicians to provide evidence-based recommendations for therapy to their female patients.
Low Testosterone Symptoms
Because they often tend to slowly and subtly onset, low testosterone symptoms can present somewhat challenging to identify by the individuals who are afflicted by them. So when something like an unexpected bone fracture occurs, it can be quite a shock that is was caused by the lost bone mass that is symptomatic of low testosterone. Other insidious symptoms include the muscular atrophy and loss of tolerance that makes the performance of even common everyday chores and routines more difficult. However, problems like these can be reversed by discovering if a deficiency exists through the performance of a sophisticated yet simple blood test for low testosterone in men and women. Feelings of unhappiness, irritability or frustration for no apparent reason are also indications of hormonal disparity or deficiency, as are the arrival of new and troublesome sleeping disorders. These are not issues that can or should be written off as simply the inevitable byproducts of aging, as some would suggest. Hormonal issues can appear at any age, but they are most frequently associated with the years of adulthood after 40.
Blood Test for Low Testosterone in Men and Women
Having a laboratory blood test for low testosterone in men and women performed is actually a very simple and direct matter to arrange. There are nationally available HRT providers such as Kingsberg Medical that can schedule the appropriate blood panels for testosterone evaluation in local areas all throughout the US. By checking a person’s blood testosterone levels, their affiliated local doctors that treat low testosterone levels are able to gain insight into the possible causes of symptoms and decide on the appropriate way to proceed. As the initial step in their straightforward process that also includes diagnosis and treatment, the clinical advisors at Kingsberg Medical have scheduled this blood test for numerous men and women living in all 50 states. The test may be requested by contact Kingsberg Medical either by phone or online at their website.
Benefits of Testosterone Therapy
The ultimate goal of all responsibly prescribed Low T therapy programs is to restore the patient’s Low T to optimal rather than high levels. This distinction is even more significant that previously believed, according to a research study of older men that was recently published online. These latest results indicated that one of the most notable benefits of testosterone therapy, longevity, is enhanced in more mature men who have mid-range rather than high-normal levels. Whenever patients can furnish their medical providers with accurate and thorough information pertaining to age, medical profile, and present condition, they are enabling them to prescribe the most beneficial dosage and treatment program based on accuracy and results. Successful treatment for low testosterone levels in men and women is incumbent upon patients and their doctors working together as a team, and sharing critical information throughout the entire program of therapy.
Benefits of Testosterone Injections
Some doctors have referred to the successful diagnosis and treatment of Low T as a balancing act that requires experience as well as careful attention to detail. They want to ensure that their patients will receive the maximum benefits of testosterone injections while minimizing the potential for experiencing even mild side effects. Restoring hormonal balance is only made possible through the many years of complex endocrinology research and biochemistry that have resulted in today’s pharmaceutical treatments for low testosterone. Many patients are very pleased to discover that injectable testosterone is more affordable that other forms of prescription Low T therapy, which can make the cost of low testosterone treatment even more budget-friendly for them. Androgen deficiency is a syndrome that can remain undiagnosed for years or even for a lifetime, acting as a catalyst for an entire range of health complications that people using testosterone injections are doing their very best to avoid.
Testosterone Cypionate
One of the most commonly prescribed synthetic versions of testosterone is the one known as testosterone cypionate, a highly anabolic and androgenic hormone. Using this injectable form of replenishment therapy can also increase the levels of another valuable anabolic hormone called IGF-1. Typically administered in the gluteal muscle approximately every seven days, the cypionate version is the most widely prescribed form of injectable testosterone that US physicians prescribe for their Low T patients. The doctor bases his dosage recommendations on factors such as the patient’s current levels, any of medications they are taking, and how they respond to therapy. Medical professionals have prescribed the cypionate form of injectable testosterone for men and also for women, and have seen both genders successfully attain excellent results. As there is no “standard” dosage that applies to all adults with testosterone deficits, the patient’s physician will weigh all of the pertinent elements and test results in prescribing what is judged to be the appropriate protocol, and can make adjustments to the dosage, if it is needed.
Testosterone Therapy Cost
According to the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology and Research, for patients who have low testosterone symptoms that are directly associated with their inadequate hormonal levels, Low T treatment is essential for the prevention of undesirable sexual, cognitive and bodily changes. Yet the individuals who would benefit from treatment have to consider whether the testosterone therapy cost is within their budgetary reach. They may not realize that intramuscular, meaning injectable, testosterone has been used for years specifically because of its cost-effectiveness, especially when compared to the more expensive topical agents that could be prescribed. While a variety of androgen dosage form and preparations are available to patients, the standard form of testosterone that is used in the medical treatment of male hypogonadism is the injectable form that delivers the bioidentical hormone preparation intramuscularly.
What Causes Low Testosterone Levels?
Although what causes low testosterone levels in many men are the consequences of aging, other origins can be attributed to testicular injuries, genetic abnormalities or pituitary tumors. A strong relationship between medical conditions like diabetes and obesity has also been established, and some evidence exists suggesting that stress and impaired sleep can lower an adult’s testosterone levels. However, reaching a diagnosis of testosterone deficiency requires that the health care professionals who can prescribe testosterone therapy systematically eliminate the other conceivable medical reasons that could account for the patient’s symptoms. Low T can cause an adult to either be burdened by a variety of this syndrome’s irksome and unhealthy symptoms or by just a few, it simply depends on individual physiology. Upon establishing that the cause of deficiency is due to a premature decline in the body’s ability to produce a sufficient testosterone supply naturally, a doctor can safely proceed with developing the correct treatment process for the patient.
Treatment for Low Testosterone Levels in Men and Women
Not every licensed physician is also proficient in providing treatment for low testosterone levels in men and women so when a patient is able to find one who is, it can obviously provide the potential patient with a distinct treatment advantage. For today’s maturing adults, reaching a stage in life that affords them with the luxury of enough time to enjoy is meaningless without having sufficient vitality and healthfulness. If they find that their low testosterone levels are preventing them from having those two invaluable resources to rely on, then seeking treatment from a medical professional that knows how to increase low testosterone levels could very well be the right decision. The number of health-conscious women and men who are exploring their treatment options is definitely on the rise as is the availability of local physicians who can prescribe Low T therapy for adults, regardless of their location, who are afflicted by clinically inadequate hormonal levels.
How to Treat Low Testosterone Levels in Men and Women
For the skilled HRT specialist, the decisions involved in how to treat low testosterone levels in men and women are based on both medically proven science and the professional acuity that only real world experience can provide. Even so, there are certain accepted protocols that doctors also refer to when prescribing a therapeutic program of injectable testosterone cypionate. Whether or not the patient ultimately receives the full benefit of their therapy is determined by the diligence and flexibility of both patient and doctor in tracking the progress of treatment, or the lack of it, and making the necessary adjustments to encourage a successful outcome. So it is logical for patients to assume that doctors who have more HRT experience will be better equipped to help them handle any variations in their originally prescribed program of low testosterone augmentation that might be required.
Buy Testosterone Injections
It is quite possible to understand what causes low testosterone levels, but still not fully comprehend the complex biochemistry involved in successful testosterone replenishment. Fortunately, that is the primary responsibility of the medical professionals who are experienced in prescribing hormone supplementation programs for individuals who have received a diagnosis of Low T. Before it is appropriate to buy testosterone injections for this purpose, it is medically and legally necessary to have a prescription that contains explicit instructions for their usage. Biochemically produced hormones are powerful therapeutics and must be used in accordance with the guidelines that the physician has specified. The doctors who prescribe it understand that hormone replenishment therapy is safe and beneficial when it is confined to the medically indicated increase of deficient testosterone and HGH levels. Individuals who are considering treatment can confidently receive help for their enervating symptoms by entrusting their care to an accomplished HRT specialist, such as those who are affiliated with the Kingsberg Medical professional network.
Local Doctors That Treat Low Testosterone Levels
Kingsberg Medical has made it effortless and expedient for individuals to receive treatment from local doctors that treat low testosterone levels. With their nationwide professional network of licensed and board-certified physicians, they have successfully put Low T programs well within the geographical and financial reach of many. For those individuals who may be uncertain about where to turn or how to begin the process for Low T testing and therapy, Kingsberg Medical is a trusted source for information and assistance that can be utilized immediately to fight back against their hormonal deficiency symptoms. They can provide access to local affiliated doctors who prescribe testosterone for women and men, and have a team of clinical advisors who provide ongoing patient support whenever needed. Their streamlined procedures for delivering effective HRT prescription programs to those who require them have created an astute and modern means for adults to easily access the treatment programs they require.
How to Increase Low Testosterone Levels
Health care professionals today are often questioned about how to increase low testosterone levels and depending on who is asking the question, the answer will probably not be identical for everyone. A range of independent factors are relevant to the therapeutic process of restoring Low T and doctors with accumulated experience will carefully consider all of them before prescribing the suitable regimen of therapy. What works well for one individual may not replicate the same results in another, so it is necessary for physicians to weigh many individual factors before issuing a patient’s prescription that makes it legal to buy testosterone injections for therapeutic use. These steps are essential to the process of successfully and safely increasing low testosterone in any adult patient, and any source that is willing to provide injectable testosterone without employing them is definitely ignoring the health risk that it presents.
Who Can Prescribe Testosterone Therapy?
As prescriptions for testosterone treatments are becoming more common, it has led to questions about who can prescribe testosterone therapy and when it should legitimately be prescribed. This is why laboratory measures of testosterone, which typically include total T levels, free T levels, and steroid hormone-binding globulin, are indispensible to making the proper diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Without exception, a medical doctor must be licensed in the US to legally prescribe injectable and other types of pharmaceutical testosterone therapy to patients in the US. So what is testosterone that is purchased online or elsewhere and being used without the benefit of a valid medical prescription? It is categorically illegal, unsafe and unwise, in the view of the medical research and health care practitioners who belong to the US medical community.
Cost of Low Testosterone Treatment
Topical and transdermal delivery agents used for testosterone replacement come with a substantially higher than that of using self-administered injection therapy, which can make the cost of low testosterone treatment quite affordable in most cases. Injectable agents are more frequently used for the purpose of therapeutic replacement therapy, and the testosterone esters in the prescribed compounds release the hormone over a predetermined period of time. Most patients and their doctors find the clinical effective and convenience of using testosterone injections that they can administer at home to be the right treatment modality for their lifestyle. Patients should always check their health insurance coverage to determine if all or a portion of the testosterone therapy cost is covered; however, even in the event that it is, submitting clams for reimbursement is almost without exception going to be the patient’s responsibility.