Testosterone Therapy Benefits

Hormonal imbalance is an individualized biochemical condition and not every man with testosterone levels measuring below normal will experience the same symptoms, or will even have symptoms. So for those men who are afflicted with Low T and who are chronically experiencing symptoms, testosterone therapy benefits can provide symptom relief plus offer them even more advantages. Because measuring individual’s total testosterone supply, which includes biologically unavailable hormones, measuring free or unbound testosterone levels provides doctors with a much more accurate indication of whether a clinical deficiency exists. If testing and other related issues confirm the existence of medically treatable male hormone deficiency, then the doctor will very likely recommend the health benefits of testosterone therapy for the patient. Physicians who have experience in treating Low T understand that even a man who has a total testosterone level judged to be within the normal range can still exhibit the classic symptoms caused by Low T if testing indicates that his free testosterone levels fall into the below normal category.
What Are The Benefits of Testosterone Therapy?
There has been little doubt that restoring free testosterone levels to within the range that is considered to be normal can increase and improve sexual function, but what are the benefits of testosterone therapy that people are less familiar with? One of the more notable benefits has been the subject of recent studies that have linked below optimal testosterone levels to shorter life expectancy. In addition to enhancing lifetime longevity, the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy can also enhance quality of life by increasing the body’s innate resistance to disease and deterioration, the two dreaded markers of aging. Dozens of studies performed recently have also concluded that sustaining an adequate testosterone supply aids in controlling blood sugar and in preventing cardiovascular problems and doctors have confirmed that a Low T replenishment program aids in reducing fat mass while increasing muscle mass, which is extremely beneficial in sustaining a state of overall wellness.
Testosterone Therapy Benefits in Men
It appears that people are also somewhat unfamiliar with the emotional improvements that are addressed by testosterone therapy benefits in men. The hormonal imbalance created by a testosterone deficit can result in emotional changes such as increased moodiness, feelings of listlessness or anxiety, a drop in self-confidence, and even experiencing periods of mild depression. Is it a coincidence that these are also some of the challenges that are often associated with having a mid-life crisis? Optimal wellness relies on the body’s cells organs and systems working harmoniously and when viewed in total, this is why the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy in men are so advantageous. Having adequate hormonal levels to draw from encourages the human body to function at its best, which in turn allows men to feel their best and look their best. It is this very synergy that plays a leading role in maintaining a superior quality of life.
Testosterone Therapy Benefits in Women
While there is even less general awareness about testosterone therapy benefits in women, the benefits are no less real for females who are contending with hormonal imbalance. Most people do not realize that during the reproductive years, women actually have ten times more testosterone in their bodies than estrogen! New studies have led research experts to conclude that it could be the progressive loss of testosterone that causes the mid-life weight increase, libido reduction, fatigue, and even bone loss that a noteworthy number of women struggle with. The latest research also indicates that among the significant benefits of testosterone replacement therapy in women are reducing hot flashes, vaginal dryness, urinary urgency, and other undesirable symptoms of menopause. Most importantly, clinical studies show that using testosterone replenishment therapy does not appear to magnify a woman’s risk for breast cancer, and may even act as a significant factor in warding it off. This is a very encouraging development for women who are already dealing with the various challenges brought on by aging.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Benefits
Just a few months back, the findings of a study that focused on long-term injectable testosterone replacement therapy benefits were approved for publication by the International Journal of Clinical Practice. The findings noted that long-term testosterone treatment produced positive effects on lipid profiles along with decreases in fasting blood glucose, inflammation, and hemoglobin A1c. Other emerging benefits that have been linked with the use of testosterone replacement therapy include the positive influence that treatment has on bone density, angina, insulin resistance, and mid-life obesity. Pertaining to how long does it take to feel the benefits of testosterone therapy, the findings that were approved for publication were based on studying 181 men over a five-year period and most of the subjects showed a substantial improvement in all symptoms well within the first 12 months. By the time they had reached the 60-month mark, 99% of the men in the study had sustained a significant loss in their weight and their waistline circumference. The conclusion emphasizes the gradual yet steady improvement that patients can anticipate acquiring from their injectable testosterone replenishment program.
Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy
While ongoing clinical research is extremely invaluable, most of those who are trying to cope with their hormonal imbalance place a higher value on knowing what the real-life, day-to-day benefits of testosterone replacement therapy will mean to them. Yet it can be useful to think in terms of what injectable testosterone will put back, meaning things like the higher energy, greater stamina and stronger sex drive that highlighted the years when one’s testosterone levels were naturally plentiful. Experiencing the benefits of low testosterone treatment relates to what the patient’s own potential for reaching the level of “personal best” is. In returning hormonal levels to their more youthful amount, the corresponding benefits are often described by patients as a return to the vitality and energy of early adulthood. That can represent a very exciting transformation to a hormonally deficient male or female who was born forty, fifty, sixty, or even longer ago than that.
How Long Does it Take to Feel The Benefits of Testosterone Therapy
Any source for testosterone therapy that claims results will be immediate in response to how long does it take to feel the benefits of testosterone therapy is not being truthful. Restoring the body’s depleted male hormone levels is best accomplished by using an incremental and controlled treatment protocol. Being led to trust that testosterone injections will produce instantaneous and almost miraculous results is just plain wrong and it has the unfortunate effect of negating the consistently superlative effectiveness provided by a medically prescribed and carefully monitored replenishment program. Physicians want their patients to understand that the comprehensive range of testosterone therapy benefits take some time to develop, just as it took an extended amount of time for a person’s naturally produced hormone supply to become depleted. However, due to each patient’s unique body chemistry, some will notice an encouraging level of improvement in their symptoms within several weeks while it might take a few months for others to observe a significant improvement. Patience and consistency are the two best qualities for testosterone therapy users to possess, and the life-enhancing rewards are well worth the effort they have put forward.
Health Benefits of Testosterone Therapy
It has been estimated by HRT researchers that anywhere between approximately two million and four million US men are currently affected by the hypogonadism, otherwise known as low testosterone. Yet because this condition often goes under-diagnosed and untreated, a large portion of population afflicted by Low T are not experiencing the tangible health benefits of testosterone therapy. Although the symptoms that are associated with having low serum testosterone can be similar to those caused by other conditions, the testing protocols currently in use can rule those out. So what are the benefits of testosterone therapy that thousands of undiagnosed people might be missing? Improvements in sexual function, body composition, cognition, vitality, and emotional equanimity are all on the list, plus additional life and health-enhancing benefits. Undeniably, these attributes are among those that allow adults to stay fully engaged with life at every age.
Benefits of Low Testosterone Treatment
While the use of testosterone replenishment in the US has seen a marked increase during the last the years or so, there are still many androgen-deficient people who are completely in the dark about how the benefits of low testosterone treatment could fundamentally improve their vitality and lifestyle quality. Despite some evidence that suggests it is sometimes possible to achieve minor increases in testosterone levels by focusing on changes in one’s normal diet and exercise routine, one who has a clinically significant level of hormone deficiency will require doctor supervised treatment to successfully restore testosterone to healthier, more beneficial levels. To achieve testosterone replacement therapy benefits that are meaningful and lasting, no other treatment can match the effectiveness and results that patients receive from medically prescribed injectable testosterone treatments. When no therapeutic treatment is used, the presence of clinically sub-normal levels of serum testosterone will typically continue its unrelenting decline, and any symptoms that are present are very likely to escalate over time.
Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Men
The implications of the baby boom that occurred following World War II resulted in an increasing percentage of the population of developed countries now reaching older age. To the male segment of that population, the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy in men are something that their fathers did not have the same access to. That poses the quandary of whether the unprecedented life expectancy of current generations has made testosterone replacement therapy more relevant, or whether TRT contributes to the unsurpassed longevity that current generations have achieved. In either case, it has become more apparent in recent times that testosterone therapy benefits in men can help to ensure that living a long life will also mean living a healthful and satisfying life throughout. As men age it becomes especially critical to possess an adequate testosterone supply in order to remain physically vigorous and mentally focused. Longevity without vitality can be a mixed blessing, at best.
Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Women
After decades of notoriety as the hormone of manliness, it is intriguing to take notice of a growing wave of publications have been touting the importance of testosterone to women’s health recently. It seems as though now that the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy in women have been substantiated by both clinical studies and anecdotal evidence, women’s health care providers from a variety of specialized fields have recognized that testosterone is not exclusively essential in maintaining men’s wellness as many medical professionals previously believed, but in maintaining wellness in women also. The documented testosterone therapy benefits in women first gained attention as a successful treatment for the often-debilitating symptoms related to menopause, which can be a period of erratically fluctuating hormonal levels. By the time she has reached the age of forty, the average woman is only producing about half the supply of testosterone that she did at the age of twenty and menopause reduces that amount even further. The more that women understand the relative importance of testosterone has in their hormonal harmony, the better they will able to make informed decisions about the benefits that testosterone therapy can now extend to them.