Testosterone Therapy

The androgenic sex hormone that is called testosterone affects a broad range of bodily functions that go far beyond facilitating sexual prowess. Testosterone is integral to a sustaining an optimum level of healthfulness and when the body’s natural supply diminishes, testosterone therapy can replace what will otherwise be permanently lost. When the portion of a healthy person’s free, or available, testosterone supply has dropped to abnormally low levels, what that person also loses is an overall sense of feeling vigorous and ageless. Those cherished characteristics of youthfulness, things like boundless amounts of energy, stamina and passion, and reliable resistance to illness and injury, all gradually slip away as hormonal levels ebb. However, HGH and testosterone therapy results have consistently shown that restoring insufficient hormone levels, and reclaiming all of the rejuvenating and reinvigorating benefits that come along with that, is a very achievable goal.
Benefits of Testosterone Therapy
To be sure, there are some people within the health care industry who refer to hormone replacement therapy as the “quick and easy” way of dealing with diminished hormonal levels, as though that in and of itself is somehow a negative thing. Yet if the benefits of testosterone therapy are capable of rapidly improving unhealthy and uncomfortable symptoms, why wouldn’t people avail themselves to a therapeutic treatment that delivers those benefits to them more efficiently than any other method that is currently available? While some doctors may encourage their patients to first try using healthier lifestyle strategies involving nutrition and aerobic activity that might temporarily nudge up their testosterone levels, there are other doctors who believe that it is more advantageous for the patient to have their testosterone levels tested to ascertain the degree of deficiency that might exist. If those levels prove to be categorically insufficient, then the testosterone therapy benefits delivered by a medically supervised program can begin working right away to eradicate unhealthy symptoms and restore the patient’s former levels of vigor and virility. To a growing number of men with Low T symptoms, this is the option they prefer.
Testosterone Therapy for Men
The way to learn the facts about testosterone therapy for men is not from the manufacturers of hormone supplements, gels, and creams but from a knowledgeable and experience physician. Above all else, anyone who has been contemplating treatment for Low T owes it to himself to acquire accurate and timely information that pertains to current testosterone therapy treatment options. The only way arrive at a truly informed decision regarding hormone replacement therapy is to go straight to the source, and in this case that means a qualified doctor who can prescribe injectable testosterone. Respected national providers of HRT programs for men, such as Kingsberg Medical, encourage people to contact them directly with any questions they may have about HGH and testosterone replacement therapy. Men who want to learn the facts from helpful and knowledgeable HRT professionals can use either Kingsberg Medical’s toll-free phone number or their online contact form to reach them directly.
Testosterone Therapy for Women
Is it plausible for a medical treatment that replaces the substance known as the “male” hormone to allow menopausal women to feel completely “female” again? With testosterone therapy for women, it most definitely is. According to the highly respected NIH (National Institutes of Health), a healthy grown up woman’s ideal testosterone level should measure between 30 to 95 nanograms per deciliter. So when menopause or other biological changes cause a decline in testosterone that falls under these guidelines, should a woman’s doctor prescribe testosterone therapy for her? With increasing frequency, more women and their physicians are deciding in the affirmative if the patient also has symptoms that are affecting her health and lifestyle quality. Even younger women can experience testosterone deficiency especially if they are using oral contraceptives, which act to suppress all sex hormones. Women who have received testosterone replenishment therapy report that their treatment results allow them to feel like themselves again, free from the chronic exhaustion, brain fog, and diminished sexuality that can accompany hormonal deficiency.
Testosterone Therapy Benefits
Two new studies conducted in Germany on the health benefits of testosterone replacement have shown that extended use of injectable testosterone therapy benefits healthy weight loss more dramatically than previously thought. Ongoing medical research is the foundation of understanding the myriad aspects involved in hormone replacement programs and it is reassuring to realize that many of the more long-term studies, such as these two, are producing more definitive results for doctors to reference. “Field study” research is an indispensible tool in being to provide answers to patients’ questions such as how long does testosterone therapy take to work, and medical professionals rely on sound scientific results when prescribing treatment programs for their patients. Doctors want to be able to maximize the invaluable benefits that hormone replenishment provides, while minimizing the likelihood of side effects. Staying informed with timely and significant data such as the information produced by these two studies is an important component of how they are able accomplish that.
HGH and Testosterone Therapy Results
A separate study conducted in the UK recently showed that testosterone therapy does not raise the risk for getting prostate cancer, reinforcing the date previously reported by other studies on this issue. These studies collectively support the view that adults can safely experience HGH and testosterone therapy results, which are frequently co-prescribed. The results of the UK study indicated that there was no higher incidence of prostate cancer between men using injectable testosterone replenishment programs and those who did not. According to the doctor who co-authored the study, the myth about testosterone replacement therapy being linked to prostate cancer has been deep-rooted in the medical consciousness for sixty years. He hopes that these new results will help put that myth to rest. As the medical community becomes more cohesive about the benefits of testosterone therapy, they will continue to have access to research and data that confirms its ultimate safety and effectiveness. Ongoing refinements and adjustments in treatment protocols that respond to each patient’s unique requirements have made huge advances in recent years, and further advances are expected to continue.
Doctor Prescribe Testosterone Therapy
The relationship between low testosterone and depression in men is still being studied, but several research projects on that topic have found a strong connection between the two. So should a doctor prescribe testosterone therapy for a male patient who is afflicted with mild depression? That all depends on what other related symptoms of testosterone deficiency the man may have, as well as what the results of his diagnostic blood work definitively indicate. In the US, doctors can legally and appropriately prescribe testosterone therapy for men only if a clinically diagnosed medical condition exists. This is an instance of the symptoms being just as significant as the test results in arriving at that diagnosis, since low testosterone levels along are not always the best or only indicators of clinical deficiency. Even with the preponderance of evidence that suggests testosterone therapy can be extremely helpful in treating symptoms of depression, that is just one facet of the comprehensive benefits that is offer to men with Low T.
Some Common Questions About Testosterone Therapy:
What Is Testosterone Therapy?
To accurately answer the primary question that most people have, which is what is testosterone therapy, physicians need to be familiar with all of the pharmacological options, such as injections, patches, creams, tablets and gels. By definition, testosterone or androgen replacement therapy is the supplementation of inadequate natural male hormone levels due to aging or other conditions. Injectable testosterone therapy utilizes synthetic, bio-identical versions of this substance, which have been bioengineered under strict laboratory conditions, to assist patients in restoring the depleted levels back to what is medically considered to be normal for their particular age group. Whether it is regarding testosterone therapy for women or for men, the basic premise of treatment is to gradually and safely replenish the patient’s hormonal supply thereby furnishing them with the many restorative benefits that the injectable form of treatment in particular has been associated with.
How Much Does Testosterone Therapy Cost?
The accurate answer to this question is somewhat more difficult to estimate, since how much does testosterone therapy cost will depend almost entirely on the individual patient’s particular needs. However, when using injectable testosterone, it is typically more affordable if the patient stays away from pre-mixed treatments and instead uses therapeutics that can easily be prepared at home for self-administration. Another factor that affects the cost of treatment would be is testosterone therapy covered by insurance coverage that the patient may have. Depending on the amount of the prescribed dosage and the recommended length of treatment, most patients find their replenishment program to be well within their budget. In comparison to the immeasurable value of testosterone therapy’s lifestyle and health-enhancing results, the cost is relative to the returns.
How Long Does Testosterone Therapy Take to Work?
Also a relative issue, providing a universally applicable answer to how long does it take testosterone therapy to work depends upon what a patient’s personal definition of quickly is. What a patient should not expect is an instantaneous transformation from a ninety-pound weakling into a Mr. Universe contestant, as claimed by the old advertisements that a certain “booming” generation of Americans will surely recall. So patients ask what is testosterone therapy by injection, and they learn that they can anticipate is a steady improvement in all of their symptoms that usually becomes apparent within less than a month from their start date. As therapy progresses, the improvement and the benefits will become exponentially magnified and many patients do actually feel completely transformed after using injectable treatment for several months.
Is Testosterone Therapy Covered by Insurance?
These days, insurance coverage is accepted by most of the medical providers who prescribe testosterone therapy, yet nearly all patients still need to know is testosterone therapy covered by insurance? That question needs to be specifically answered by the patient’s individual insurance provider, and often there will coverage benefits available. However, like virtually all of the medical procedures being performed today, it depends completely on the terms of the patient’s current health plan. For many patients who have coverage but want to know how much does testosterone therapy cost out-of-pocket, the amount will frequently end up being the cost of the co-pay plus any unmet deductible. Any adult who wants to begin a testosterone treatment program is strongly advised to get the facts about coverage directly from their insurance provider.