Growth Hormone Therapy

The adult version of human growth hormone therapy is prescribed specifically for men and women whose bodies have ceased producing sufficient quantities of growth hormone to maintain optimal healthiness and vitality. While bioengineered HGH injections have not been in use by the US medical community for as long a period of time as they have been prescribed for GH deficient children, several of the most respected medical organizations in the country and around the world now endorse the use of controlled doses of bioengineered synthetic growth hormone to reverse the consequences of HGH deficiency for adults. Under the guidance of doctors who prescribe human growth hormone injections, men and women who have been diagnosed with GH deficiency are all able to experience the life-changing results provided by carefully prescribed therapeutic programs that can safely restore hormonal balance. This means relief from symptoms that include decreased vitality, poor memory function, reduced ability to exercise, and even the loss of sexual energy and desire. As an unbeatably effective tool for managing hormonal imbalance, GH therapy is here to stay.
What is Growth Hormone Therapy?
In the medical context, the correct explanation for what is growth hormone therapy is in reference to using injectable human growth hormone that has been produced pharmaceutically. Medically indicated restorative programs that have been prescribed by a qualified physician must be differentiated from the plethora of unsubstantiated non-prescription products that are available virtually everywhere. Products such as these, be they potions, pills or sprays, can do nothing to increase the GH levels of any age group and doctors and researchers do not consider them to be legitimate medical growth hormone therapy by any stretch of the imagination. They are not capable of delivering any of the authentic benefits of human growth hormone therapy, so there is very little point for anyone to waste their money and time on them. There is currently only one treatment alternative that consistently produces tangible benefits, and that has withstood the true test of time in terms of research and results. That treatment is doctor prescribed growth hormone therapy using injectable HGH.
How Much Does Growth Hormone Therapy Cost?
Perhaps much of the confusion surrounding how much does growth hormone therapy cost can be traced to the wild variation of pricing information that has taken up residence online. Embedded among countless forums discussing human growth hormone therapy, one will find references to cost that bounce between hundreds and thousands of dollars. Like most online data, it is vitally important to verify any prices that pertain to HGH injectables, including the easy-to-use, painless and very popular injections pens. It is ultimately the final judgment of the doctors that treat growth hormone deficiency as to what the patient’s most advantageous course of therapy should be. Circumstances regarding cost-effectiveness and desired treatment results can and should always be reviewed with the physician who has prescribed the treatment protocol. Despite the online cacophony, patients who want and deserve fair, competitive pricing on their treatments can find them, especially by using an established and experienced nationwide provider such as Kingsberg Medical.
How Does Growth Hormone Therapy Work?
By the mid-1990s, research trials had confirmed that even a conservative program of GH treatments could make a notable improvement in a person’s growth hormone deficiency symptoms. Yet today, after nearly twenty years has gone by, most people still have questions on how does growth hormone therapy work. Because it works as similarly to the natural process as possible, understanding the biologically significant role of growth hormone to the human body is the right place to start. Growth hormone is a naturally generated substance that is produced by the body’s pituitary gland. It is critically needed for keeping tissues such as muscle, bone and fat in healthy and harmonious balance. Medical professionals prescribe growth hormone therapy for women and men who are experiencing acquired growth hormone deficiency, which is what this syndrome is called if it makes its first appearance in adulthood. It works by injecting a bioidentically manufactured form of human growth hormone that acts by stimulating the liver to release a second essential hormone known as IGF-1 (for insulin-like growth factor-1). Both HGH and IGF-1 are essential hormonal substances that are needed to sustain beneficial cell renewal activity and maximize bodily function.
What is Growth Hormone Deficiency?
Just as the term implies, a lack of this critical hormone induced by the body’s diminished production can cause what is growth hormone deficiency. When it occurs in childhood, it can result in significantly shorter stature by the time adulthood is reached. Physicians in the US have been treating children who have been diagnosed with this disorder since the 1950s. In most people, receiving a diagnosis of growth hormone deficiency has entirely different repercussions if left untreated, such as bone weakening, muscle deterioration, fat and cholesterol accumulation, and loss of vitality. Typically an endocrinologist or doctor who concentrates on hormonal disorders will be capable of determining the extent of the patient’s deficiency. Although it is a relatively common medical condition, the majority of those who are afflicted by clinically deficient growth hormone levels go undiagnosed simply because they fail to pursue the appropriate testing and treatment for their symptoms. However, public awareness of GHD here in the United States has been rapidly growing in recent years, which leads to the expectation that the demand for therapy will also trend upward.
Benefits of Human Growth Hormone Therapy
The abundant benefits of human growth hormone therapy are like a work in progress that just keeps getting better. Anyone who is using GH therapy for the first time is typically going to feel noticeably more energetic and enthusiastic about life within two to three weeks. As treatment progresses and beneficial hormonal balance is restored, many more improvements become apparent such as the reappearance of a leaner, more toned physique among with rejuvenated skin tone and brain function. By using the results of a medically sophisticated blood test for growth hormone deficiency as a guide, a doctor who is skilled in the finer points of hormone therapy can adjust and fine-tune the dosage to maximize the expected benefits of each patient’s individualized plan for treatment. Patients can also anticipate a pre-therapy physical exam and questions about their personal and family health histories, which provide valuable information to the physician prior to devising the best possible replenishment program. As always, the more information a doctor has at hand, the more effective the proposed treatment protocol will be.
How to Treat Growth Hormone Deficiency in Adults
Because it has become increasingly recognized as a factor in premature mortality, HRT specialists are dedicated to the advancement of how to treat growth hormone deficiency in adults. As an example of that, dosage regimens have evolved over time from weight-based to individualized strategies that provide more satisfactory results. Doctors have also learned that the dose requirements of their older patients are generally lower. Long-acting pharmaceutically produced human growth hormone is on the horizon and in the near future, doctors hope to be able to prescribe once-weekly treatments for their patients. Along with a more comprehensive understanding the symptomology involved, testing for growth hormone deficiency will continue to become even more precise and standardized, allowing the medical professionals who focus their attention on hormone replacement therapy to better serve the needs of their patients.
Doctors Who Prescribe Human Growth Hormone Injections
The symptoms reported to doctors who prescribe human growth hormone injections by both their female and male patients almost always depict a reduced perception of their lifestyle quality. Since GH deficiency symptoms can encompass the body’s cognitive, muscular, skeletal, cardiac, and metabolic functions, it is easily understandable that they would have a negative and unwanted impact on the patient’s ability to live as healthfully and happily as before they appeared. Doctors prescribe growth hormone therapy for men and women in order to restore the many functions that enhance a person’s best quality of living. Treatment has been shown to provide an impressive degree of improvement in body image, pain level and emotional contentment within the initial twelve months of treatment. The longer that a low-dosage program of GH therapy is used by the patient, the more significant the benefits become.
Cost of Growth Hormone Therapy
Another priority that is shared by many of the doctors prescribing HGH injections to treat GH deficient adults is keeping the cost of growth hormone therapy affordable for the people who will benefit the most from it. The issue of whether or not a person’s health insurance coverage includes hormone replacement therapy is probably here to stay for the foreseeable future, but that should not ultimately be the determining factor in how much does growth hormone therapy cost. As pharmaceutical manufacturers continue to develop new and better delivery systems that can also help to make GH treatments even more cost-effective for patients, it is expected that the volume of people using them will continue to expand. Most consumers have learned that broader use often leads to lower, more competitive pricing, and it is no different within the sphere of pharmacological manufacturing and distribution. Having more choices is a definite advantage regarding one’s health care.
Growth Hormone Therapy for Men
As the product of the body’s master gland, human growth hormone has effects on body composition, not just growth. Part of life is dealing with the fact that the body’s levels of HGH and other primary hormones such as testosterone can decline quickly, which has provoked more than just a few males into considering testosterone and growth hormone therapy for men. After nine years of research, a 2002 study concluded that a strong connection between declining HGH levels and declining health exists. However, sustainable, medically supervised GH replenishment programs have helped thousands of men to experience many exceptional benefits, including enviable improvements in their stamina and energy reserves. They have realized that accommodating the cost of growth hormone therapy into their budget is actually a small price to pay in exchange for the enormous satisfaction of experiencing, and being able to sustain, an unprecedented level of rejuvenation.
Growth Hormone Therapy for Women
Among those women who are chronologically qualified to comment on the challenges presented by mid-life, there is a common joke that for every year after forty a pound of muscle turns into a pound of fat. However, the US physicians who are currently prescribing growth hormone therapy for women along with their patients understand that the symptoms caused by GH deficiency are actually nothing to laugh at, especially when they could be signs of further health problems in the future. By the time a woman reaches the age of forty, she is in a position to both look back at where she has been and look ahead to where she is going. She probably also knows her body well enough to recognize that biological changes seem to be happening that are beyond her control. Yet if she is fortunate enough to have access to a qualified medical professional that understands how to treat growth hormone deficiency, the years ahead can become something to look forward to eagerly, rather than something to worry about and dread health-wise. HGH therapy for women has become a bright beacon of hope for all of those who have become discouraged the onset of adult growth hormone deficiency.
Testing for Growth Hormone Deficiency
The absence of clinically sufficient growth hormone amounts is verified by clinical testing for growth hormone deficiency. While serious head injuries, radiation treatments and infection can cause this hormonal abnormality to occur, it is far more common for mature women and men to develop acquired growth hormone deficiency (AGHD) as a consequence of the unremitting process of aging. The various testing procedures that are used by physicians to measure GH levels are simple to perform, yet yield sophisticated diagnostic results. The purpose of this testing is to assist the doctor in differentiating between what is growth hormone deficiency and other potential causes for the patient’s symptoms. These blood tests are typically performed at a local medical laboratory that is convenient for the patient.
Doctors That Treat Growth Hormone Deficiency
By monitoring specific hormonal concentrations in the patient’s bloodstream, doctors that treat growth hormone deficiency are able to make informed and opportune determinations about the length and frequency of the patient’s therapy. The goal of all GH therapy is to prevent the present and future complications that accompany hormone deficiency including increased frequency of bone fractures, bouts of anxiety, and weight management difficulties. With their higher understanding of how does growth hormone therapy work to prevent these undesirable problems, doctors can help their patients to prevent experiencing them altogether. Frequently, those with AGHD will also have high levels of fats in their bloodstreams and high cholesterol, abnormalities that are often due to poor diet. In this instance, it is not unhealthy dietary choices but changes in the body’s metabolic efficiency that are the source of the problem and can actually lead directly to heart disease and diabetes if untreated.
Blood Test for Growth Hormone Deficiency
Scheduling a blood test for growth hormone deficiency is a much simpler procedure than many adults realize. With the capable assistance of a professional provider like Kingsberg Medical, it can usually be scheduled with just a quick email or phone call to them. The scope of services that Kingsberg Medical provides to their patients includes providing them with the most current data and details regarding prescription growth hormone replenishment, and also explaining any aspects of what is growth hormone therapy that people want clarification on. Since the logical starting point of any hormone replacement program is performing the appropriate testing procedures, Kingsberg Medical has created a streamlined and patient-friendly process that makes it surprisingly easy to have blood work for GH deficiency performed locally.