What is HGH Therapy?

When an adult is exhibiting the symptoms of growth hormone deficiency, both short and long-term clinical studies performed during the past twenty years have demonstrated that having this disadvantageous hormonal imbalance can be successfully corrected by using HGH therapy. Nevertheless, what is HGH therapy remains somewhat of a mystery to a good number of the adults who are presently living and struggling with this frequently debilitating but very treatable endocrine disorder. It took many years of biochemical technology and research to unlock the mystery of how to duplicate human growth hormone for use in medically indicated hormonal supplementation. Yet the biological concept that inspired today’s highly effective courses of HGH therapy for women and men is elegantly simple: Create bio-identically compatible laboratory produced hormones that can be self-injected subcutaneously by the patient to efficiently increase their body’s deficient growth hormone levels. Contemporary HGH treatment protocols were also inspired by the ongoing success of something that the medical community in the United States has been familiar with for many decades, which is injectable testosterone replacement therapy. Actually, it is not unusual for physicians to prescribe both types of therapy for the same patient since having a dual deficiency is fairly common.
Benefits of HGH Therapy
The benefits of HGH therapy also mimic those provided by a person’s self-produced growth hormone supply. Just as a naturally occurring compound in the skin called squalane promotes the cell regeneration that keeps it youthfully smooth and supple, growth hormone is a naturally produced compound that promotes total cell renewal throughout the body’s every vital organ and physiological system. However, like squalane and other essential biological compounds, every individual’s supply of these youthfulness-extending substances will inevitably decline with age. For some individuals, a clinical deficiency develops when their declining levels fall to such an extent that they enter the sub-normal range, which is when prescription HGH therapy for men or women may be recommended by their doctor. When symptoms are present along with clinically low growth hormone levels, a prescription for HGH therapy can methodically restore all of the youthful benefits that having an adequate supply provides: Healthier cell renewal activity, more efficient metabolic activity, maximum revitalization of the body’s major organs, and a heightened sense of sexuality. These documented HGH therapy benefits can represent a far-reaching improvement to someone whose lifestyle has become constricted and unhealthy due to symptoms launched by too-low hormone levels.
Injectable HGH Therapy
Early on in the development of bioengineered HGH, scientists realized that the only viable means of delivery would be an injectable formulation. Their research found that using nasal sprays or oral delivery systems produced no discernible results, but that by using injectable HGH therapy, an adult could achieve a substantial increase over the course of a treatment program. A majority of the positive effects produced by the body’s growth hormone supply are actually stimulated by IGF-1, a closely associated hormone that is produced by the liver. Having a growth hormone deficiency can impact a person’s healthiness in many ways and it is often accompanied by undesirable changes in body composition as its lean and healthy muscle is increasingly replaced by the accumulation of unhealthy excess fat. By receiving a course of injectable growth hormone therapy that has been prescribed by a qualified medical specialist, an individual within the sub-normal range can restore their body’s GH levels back to normal and eradicate their problematic symptoms.
Pros and Cons of HGH Therapy
According to the results produced by numerous clinical studies on using the injectable form of HGH, people considering treatment have every reason to be encouraged when they weigh the pros and cons of HGH therapy that has been medically prescribed to correct their growth hormone disorder. The effectiveness of HGH treatments in supporting weight loss, enhanced immunity, muscle and bone augmentation, improvements in skin condition and mental function, and upswings in energy and sexuality has been demonstrated consistently. It should also be noted that these treatment benefits are provided relatively quickly. Yet becoming a well-informed patient also involves having an awareness of the possible side effects that could result from legitimately prescribed HGH treatment. While considered to be a low risk, the usage of HGH injections could result in experiencing episodes of fluid retention, headaches, joint pain, or other minor side effects that can be eliminated by discontinuing treatment or adjusting the dosage. The patient’s physician will be able to make the proper determination for correcting any complications that might occur.
Dosage for HGH Therapy
An appropriately prescribed dosage for HGH therapy should be based on the entirety of the patient’s individual test results, physical condition, previous medical history, and all reported symptoms. As in all medically prescribed hormonal supplementation programs, the aim is not to raise levels to an excessively high level, but instead to restore insufficient levels to the normal and thus healthy range. The dosage that a physician prescribes will vary in response to a patient’s explicit requirements and the sooner that a deficiency is detected, the better since fewer treatments will be required to correct it. So that also results in lowering the patient’s cost of HGH therapy when the hormonal insufficiency is discovered while still in its early stages.
HGH Therapy For Men
What if people no longer had to dread the diseases that maturity puts them at a higher risk for such as diabetes, heart and vascular disorders? The mission of the medical specialists who prescribe HGH therapy for men is to help their patients improve their odds. Along with reduced testosterone levels, most 40-year-old males have already experienced a substantial decline in their growth hormone levels as well, subsequently magnifying their risk for developing the diseases that are typically associated with the later years in life. However, those individuals who make it their business to learn how to get HGH therapy for men are giving themselves a therapeutically sound option to the do-nothing approach of dealing with a treatable hormonal disorder. Medically supervised testosterone and HGH replacement therapy provide men living among the advances of the 21st century with a viable and beneficial alternative to simply acquiescing to the deterioration of vitality that can be attributed to hormonal depletion. This represents an extraordinary health advantage that was unavailable to the men of earlier generations.
Growth Hormone Therapy
Another area of possible confusion or concern to people who have been thinking about beginning an injectable growth hormone therapy program involves the self-administration of their doctor prescribed protocol. However, although these subcutaneous injections are typically administered daily, the delivery options feature very small and virtually pain-free needles and there are even needleless methods available to patients using convenient click pens. The preferred sites for treatment administration include the abdomen, buttocks and thigh. In general, the patient’s dosage for HGH therapy is usually increased gradually at intervals of between four and eight weeks, depending on what their individual needs dictate. It is also typical for the patient’s IGF-1 levels to be measured periodically throughout their course of therapy and for their response to treatment to be evaluated as it progresses.
Prescribed HGH Treatment
Among the initial improvements that patients using medically prescribed HGH treatment notice are significant increases in their exercise capacity and energy levels. Increases in mental alertness and sexual desire are also frequently experienced not long after starting treatment, yet individuals using therapy should realize that other improvements, such as those involving body composition and emotional satisfaction sometimes require a bit longer to fully develop. Complying with the protocol exactly as directed by the prescribing doctor is essential to maximizing a patient’s long-term HGH therapy benefits, including substantial improvements in muscle mass, bone density, lipid metabolism, and visibly decreased fat mass.
HGH Therapy For Women
It was the conclusion of a study performed by researchers form Harvard Medical School that low-dose HGH therapy for women with abdominal obesity resulted in bone and muscle increases. Yet, this is just one of innumerable studies on the benefits of treating growth hormone deficiency in adult females. Setting aside the misconceptions that have existed regarding growth hormone replenishment for women, doctors today are well versed in the many health advantages that it offers to female patients who have sub-normal GH levels accompanied by symptoms of deficiency. As in males, the loss of an adequate growth hormone supply is frequently responsible for the corresponding loss of sexual desire and overall vitality. In fact, GH deficient women are inflicted by many of the same symptoms that men experience and are susceptible to the same health risks. However, it is just as viable for women to gain all of the rejuvenating wellness benefits of HGH therapy as it is for hormone deficient men, along with the same age-defying results. While women may be more appreciative than men are of the smoother, thicker and healthier skin and hair that hormone replenishment provides, both females and males can agree that the overall results of their HGH therapy programs are nothing less than amazing.
How Much Does HGH Therapy Cost?
Are there people who abandon the idea of increasing their diminished growth hormone supply when they learn how much does HGH therapy cost? Without a doubt, there are some. Unfortunately, bioengineered human growth hormone treatments are relatively costly and some individuals may find them to be unfeasible without qualifying for reimbursement from a third-party payer. Most prescription replenishment programs represent an investment of several hundred dollars each month for the duration of the patient’s course of therapy. However, while some people can comfortably accommodate this cost into their budget, others must make their decision to receive treatment based on finding out the answer to is HGH therapy covered by insurance coverage that they now have. It can be helpful for these individuals to inquire about any pharmaceutical assistance programs that may be available to them and to discuss any possible cost-saving opportunities that may exist with their doctor.
HGH Therapy Benefits
While it is considered unsafe to use human growth hormone therapy when it is not medically necessary, on the other hand, it has been shown to be extremely low-risk to use injectable treatments to deliver the much-needed HGH therapy benefits to individuals who are suffering from hormonal deficit symptoms. Of course, the use of medically indicated HGH replacement treatments should always be monitored by a physician who is experienced in prescribing hormone replacement programs and when correctly administered, the benefits its delivers within a relatively short time period are truly impressive. When considering the pros and cons of HGH therapy, many adults find the high reward and low risk aspect of medically indicated treatment to be extremely encouraging, as are the very real results that they quickly begin to achieve.
Is HGH Therapy Covered By Insurance?
The present environment of uncertainty and instability surrounding health care coverage is probably adding confusion and worry to those individuals who want clarity about is HGH therapy covered by insurance that they currently have. Given the present circumstances, too many people today are unclear about where they now stand with their medical insurance but hopefully reason and compassion will prevail as matters become resolved in the near term. Typically, health insurers will require clinical and diagnostic evidence supporting a medically recognized growth hormone deficiency prior to approving hormone replacement therapy and will reimburse the patient who will deal directly with the insurer. This is standard procedure for most of the major medical providers of injectable HGH therapy who are committed to keeping costs as low as possible for patients by not having to pass along the expense of acting as their insurance coverage liaison.
How to Get HGH Therapy for Men
Quite a few men only discover that they have a growth hormone deficiency during the process of being checked for testosterone deficiency, yet it is extremely common for an adult to have multiple hormonal deficiencies. So it can be a surprise for a man to be learning about how to get HGH therapy for men if he has been under the assumption that all of his symptoms are directly related to having Low t levels. Yet since doctors frequently detect the existence of a dual deficiency involving a male patient’s testosterone and growth hormone levels, it is not a cause for undue alarm. It simply means that instead of focusing on the replenishment of one critical hormone, the patient’s treatment program will be customized to focus on the restoration of both of these indispensible hormones. Most descriptions of what is HGH therapy for men typically include some information in reference to its use in conjunction with testosterone replacement therapy
Cost of HGH Therapy
For several valid reasons, it is essential to view the cost of HGH therapy in the appropriate context when a person is weighing the personal value of beginning a hormone replenishment program. One of those reasons is exactly that: comparing the cost versus the value of treatment. Perhaps the fundamental issue at hand is actually what is the value of appreciably improving one’s quality of life and one’s health, rather than drilling down to how much does HGH therapy cost. As examined previously, the cost associated with using bio-identical hormone therapy reflects the biochemical complexity involved and the years of scientific research invested. However, the physicians and clinics that specialize in prescribing hormone replacement therapies make every effort to keep the cost of treatment as affordable as possible for their patients. It might be virtually impossible to place a monetary value on staying physically strong, emotionally content and mentally ambitious, but to those people who know what it is to lose those things and then regain them, they are absolutely priceless.