What is Growth Hormone Deficiency

What is growth hormone deficiency? According to internists and gynecologists who are board certified with over 50 years of combined experience among them from a very prestigious medical group, here is the interpretation: A GH deficiency is the continuous decline in growth hormone secretion from the sex organs of the human body. This usually begins within the third decade of life and can be widely responsible for some very well known and negative body composition changes. While under the influence of the hypothalamus in the brain, which is responsible for the more primitive bodily functions, GH gets released in the younger healthy individual in spurts. That means that when the testes or ovaries are signaled by the brain as needing to release GH, the process occurs. Growth hormone is constantly being manufactured by what is called the somatotroph cells until slowed down due to age. The hormone is most often released during the night when the body is experiencing its 3rd and 4th stages of deep sleep. This is why sleep is so imperative to good health. When this process is decelerated, this is when human growth hormone deficiency symptoms may begin to happen and when treatment can be what helps!
Human Growth Hormone Deficiency Symptoms
Soon after researchers were realizing that those with lower GH levels were dealing with some mild, but also some serious human growth hormone deficiency symptoms, HRT became even more accepted. A popular study showed that those with low GH levels were at 2 times the rate of death from heart failure compared to those of the same age who had no issues with deficient GH. They had more fat surrounding their abdominal areas, decreased muscle, poor sleep, depression and social isolation, premature aging of the skin, slowed mental capacities, loss of body strength and fatigue. Once HGH therapy was conducted for these ailments, virtually all negative aspects of aging were reversed. After more testing and research was concluded, researchers knew that causes of growth hormone deficiency in adults could be reversed. Soon after, more studies in regards to HGH treatment helping those with not only physical issues due to low HGH levels, but also psychological issues were being published.
Human Growth Hormone Deficiency Treatment
According to recent research, it was not until the year 1986, when the idea of human growth hormone deficiency treatment was introduced more vastly to the USA. With the introduction of recombinant DNA technology, scientists began to produce large quantities of pure, uncontaminated HGH from bodily bacteria within laboratory environments. This amazing development is what perked the interest of understanding what other physiologic ways bioidentical HGH can help humans. Now that it was available for clinical research, this first manipulation ever done with the hormone out of the body paved the way for what we now call treatment for growth hormone deficiency in adults. According to well known sources, after the year 1996, more remarkable age reversing effects from what is the treatment for growth hormone deficiency occurred. Skin became thicker, lean body mass increased as fat deposits decreased, bone density increased and subjects began to feel better emotionally than ever before. As these kinds of studies were beginning to get published in popular medical journals, more and more attention to HGH treatment started to trigger interest from organizations such as the National Institute on Aging (NIA). They soon began to conduct 9 different studies of their own. In doing so, they got miraculous results as they tested the efficacy of replacing lost GH with bioidentical self administered injections of the hormone. As a matter of fact, the preliminary positive results of these studies were presented at the 1999 annual international meeting of endocrinologists. Other doctors followed suit with their studies and soon the question of what is growth hormone deficiency not only had an answer, but it also had a remedy.
Testing for Growth Hormone Deficiency
When getting testing for growth hormone deficiency done, doctors will measure the IGF-1 levels to get an idea of what range a patient falls into. They will also get information from a clinical exam. Testing will tell how much GH replacement needs to be done. If deficiency testing reveals that a person’s level is below a certain amount, the person will more likely be able to see significant changes in their physical and emotional states more quickly than someone with a higher level. Those with a less deficiency, according to the blood test for growth hormone deficiency, will take supplemental HGH injections in order to prevent age related symptoms from occurring in the first place. Testing can be very powerful. Knowing the results can help to change a life from having little quality or from falling into a position where it will become one with little enjoyment at all. Testing will probably not be necessary for anyone that believes they are dealing with aging symptoms before 30, as most professionals as a whole do not believe that HGH adult deficiencies begin to show earlier than that age. Always check with a doctor, being honest and forthright with symptoms and he or she can hopefully steer in the correct direction. Of course, people need to educate themselves too because they know their bodies better than anyone else.
Doctors That Treat Growth Hormone Deficiency
Doctors who treat growth hormone deficiency range in practice from general practitioners, internists, urologist, gynecologists and endocrinologists. When looking for the correct physician to diagnose a deficiency and to help with human growth hormone deficiency treatment, it is always best to go with a professional who is a specialist in this area. That way they will be up on the latest research available in the medical field and will have years of experience helping people turn their lives around with HRT treatment. Patients need to work with professionals who have been thoroughly trained in this type of practice and who can sufficiently diagnose, prescribe and medically supervise clients throughout human growth hormone replacement treatment. According to many sources, there is ample evidence that supports the safety and efficacy of HRT when used for adults that have a bona fide HGH deficiency with no other serious medical conditions. In fact, it has been said that as long as HRT is not abused, there is no concrete evidence that suggests long term negative side effects from HGH therapy. Firstly, it is suggested that a client learns what is growth hormone deficiency and if they believe they may be dealing with one, find the right practitioner with whom to work. Make sure that doctor is fully understanding of the process for testing for growth hormone deficiency and that they can diagnose correctly. The clinic with which a patient chooses should have kind, caring and knowledgeable doctors and advisors to help with the treatment protocol. They should answer questions and make sure that anyone they speak to understands the HRT process and is comfortable with what it has to offer from self administering injections to human growth hormone deficiency treatment cost.
Human Growth Hormone Deficiency Treatment Cost
It is not uncommon for a prospective patient to want to know what the human growth hormone deficiency treatment cost will be if they decide to partake in therapy. Herein exists the difficulty of sharing information about HRT online. There usually is no set cost for treatment, as practically all clients will have different prices for their therapeutic packages. This depends upon which medications are used, what dosages are prescribed and the length of time the person will be in therapy. These answers are all dependent upon the blood test of growth hormone deficiency and the medical exam. Reputable clinics will all require a medical history, too, from their clients. The doctors that treat growth hormone deficiency within those clinics will take the lead and be able to get all the answers for clients once they have started the process.